Stag Dance, Torrey Peters
Following her debut in 2021, Peters is back with her new short story collection, Stag Dance. Split over four intriguing short stories, Stag Dance explores trans lives and experiences through multiple lenses.
We’re taken on a journey into four new worlds. In the first, a virus spreads quickly around the world and causes people of all genders to require the injection of hormones. Another is focused on an intense boarding school relationship when faced with judgemental peers and growing pains. The titular story is set in an illegal lumber scheme on a mountainside as men explore their identity through cross dressing. The collection concludes with the portrayal of toxic relationships in Las Vegas, which questions what is viewed as transness.
While the stories are not interconnected and not structured in the same way, they fit together beautifully in this collection as they each introduce the lives of specific individuals. Each story is original and is utterly compelling in its own right. If you enjoyed Peter’s humour and sharp commentary on society in Detransition, Baby, then you’ll recognise it in this collection too. Some seriously tense and manic elements are balanced with delightful dramatics to keep readers both interested and bemused.
There is so much to enjoy in this collection, from energetic characters and lost souls to characters who cause nothing but trouble. The collection covers important themes of identify and belonging, as well as self-control and self-preservation – all of which are written with a true understanding that adds depth and life to the characters.
This book is a testament to Peter’s writing and, although the narratives are a world away from Detransition, Baby, it’s evident that her writing and talents have been building since her debut, which is an absolute pleasure to read.
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